School Counseling

About the Counselor

School Counselor

The counselor is here to provide the following services to students: individual counseling, small group counseling, classroom guidance,  prevention and intervention services, academic support, and referrals to outside mental health agencies. 

About once a month, the counselor will be entering your child's classroom for classroom guidance lessons.  

Topics include what is a school counselor, bullying, responsibility, social skills, and others. 

If you have any comments or concerns about your child, feel free to call 440-748-4032 anytime.  

Student Services (Guidance)

Contact Information

Miss Cassie Haight, School Counselor - Midview West

Office Hours: 7:35 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Phone: 440-748-5323

Fax: 440-749-4032