PBIS at East

The Midview Local School District is proud to announce that each of its schools – Midview High School, Midview Middle School, Midview East Intermediate School, Midview West Elementary School, and Midview North Elementary School – have all been recognized by the Ohio Department of Education for their Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) programs. This is the third year in a row each school received a Medal of Distinction, with East Intermediate and the High School receiving Bronze recognition and North Elementary, West Elementary, and the Middle School earning Silver. 

PBIS is a national effort that includes the development of school-wide behavior agreements and systems that teach, practice, and recognize positive behaviors across school settings while providing support and correction for problem behaviors. Midview Local Schools remains focused on three district-wide behavioral expectations throughout each school year: We Are Ready, We Are Responsible and We Are Respectful.

“Each building’s collective care and commitment to implementing and improving our PBIS programming is commendable,” said Assistant Superintendent Dr. Frank Major. “Expectations are clearly communicated to our students, who are excited and motivated to make good choices. By operating in a proactive mindset – teaching and acknowledging what students are doing right instead of focusing on what they’re doing wrong – we can maintain a learning environment in which students and staff feel appreciated, safe, and respected.” 

The PBIS framework requires continual progress monitoring to ensure interventions and systems are working successfully to ensure outcomes are met. To qualify for recognition, data is shared related to positive student social-emotional and behavioral outcomes for the year prior, as well as how PBIS supported academic achievement.

“To have all of our buildings recognized for the work we are doing in PBIS for the third straight year is a remarkable accomplishment,” said Midview Local Schools Superintendent Dr. Bruce Willingham. “And to see three of our five buildings progress to a higher designation status only further emphasizes our staff’s dedication and the positive impact this program has in our buildings. Our goal is to provide the best, well-rounded education for all students, and our continued focus on PBIS will help us achieve that.” 

Each year, the Ohio Department of Education’s PBIS Network, via its 16 State Support Teams (SST), recognizes schools for their quality and fidelity to PBIS implementation. Schools are eligible to receive awards at the bronze, silver, or gold level of distinction. Approximately 355 Ohio schools and districts were honored and recognized at the 2021 PBIS Showcase.